Warning: There are an increasing number of fraudulent websites that impersonate ESCMID Global. We would like to alert all our members and delegates to possible scams and we strongly advise you to use only the official ESCMID Global online registration for your bookings.

Special Sessions

“Year in ...”  and “Top papers in ...” Sessions


“Year in ...”  and “Top papers in ...” sessions are 1-hour Symposia where speakers present a common review on the topic based on the published literature since the last ECCMID. In each session, two speakers present a maximum of 10 papers, in a 20-25 minute presentation each, followed by a 10-15 minutes final discussion at the end of the session, focused on future research, ongoing controversies and take-home messages. This year, the sessions adhering to the above format include Year in infectious diseases, Year in clinical microbiology, Year in infection control, Year in public health, Top papers in antimicrobial pharmacology, Top papers in immunocompromised infectious diseases, Top papers in tropical medicine and clinical parasitology.


We invite speakers to provide the selected publications in advance, which are available at the links below.


- Year in Infection Control, Saturday 27 April, 1:30 - 2:30 pm - Selected Publications (link)


- Year in Public Health, Sunday 28 April, 5:30 - 6:30 pm - Selected Publications (link)


- Year in Infectious Diseases, Monday 29 April, 9:30 - 10:30 am (link)


- Year in Clinical Microbiology, Monday 29 April, 5:30 - 6:30 pm - Selected Publications (link)


- Top papers in antimicrobial pharmacology, Tuesday 30 April, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm - Selected Publications (link)


- Top papers in immunocompromised infectious diseases, Monday 29 April, 1:30 - 2:30 pm - Selected Publications (link)


- Top papers in tropical medicine and clinical parasitology, Sunday 28 April, 4:15 - 5:15 pm (link)


Clinical Grand Round


The very popular Clinical Grand Round pits the wits of six internationally renowned physicians against seven difficult clinical cases involving patients with infectious diseases. It is co-organised with the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA). In a 2-hour Session, cases are presented by trainee ID physicians from ESCMID and IDSA and discussed with the senior Professors. The presenting trainees and their cases are selected in a competitive process in the months leading up to the Congress. Case presenters will be published in early February 2024. 

The session took place on Tuesday, 30 April 2024, 8:30 to 10:30 CEST, Hall A.


Moderator: Prof. Robert C. Read (Southampton, United Kingdom)






WassermanSeanCape Town South Africa




Case presenters:


Berto MoreanoCésar GabrielBostonUnited States
Givon CohenYaelDvirIsrael
HolowkaThomasChapel HillUnited States
LeeBrandonNew HavenUnited States
ZhaoYingCape TownSouth Africa




Awards Sessions


One of the main missions of ESCMID is to promote scientific research in the fields of CM and ID. To this aim, ESCMID supports young clinicians, researchers and established scholars with awards and grants to recognise achievements and provide incentive for future accomplishments. At ESCMID Global 2024, the winners of the society’s awards for 2024 will be presented in dedicated sessions. For more information, please see below.


The ESCMID Young Investigator and Emerging Young Investigator Award winners will receive their awards and present their research during the session “Young Investigator Awards for Research in CM and ID ”.


The ESCMID Excellence Awardee will receive the award and give a Keynote Lecture during a dedicated session.


The TAE Outstanding Trainee Award is intended to recognise and reward multi-skilled trainees with extracurricular activities in teaching, networking and collaboration for trainees in CM and ID. The winners for 2024 will be announced in November 2024 and will receive their awards during the TAE Day at ESCMID Global 2024 (formerly known as ECCMID).


The International Sepsis Forum (ISF) is a non-profit public American charity with the mission to improve outcomes for patients with sepsis. Its award gives the recipient USD 500 and the opportunity to present their work during a session jointly organised by ISF and ESCMID.




The TAE Day is organised every year at ESCMID Global (formerly known as ECCMID) by the Trainee Association of ESCMID. This session targets CM and ID trainees who can register in advance to take part in Round Tables-type Sessions, where they have the chance to informally interact with renowned experts in the field of CM and ID. This way, they can get inspiration from the experts present, discuss the main challenges and decisions during clinical and/or research career, get career advice, learn about career/research opportunities and strengthen their network. More information about registration for the Round Tables at the TAE will follow.